Lithium Fluoride Market

Lithium Fluoride Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2016 - 2022

Lithium Fluoride Market Segmented By nuclear energy based applications for the electricity generation and pharmaceutical application such as X-ray imaging

Industry: Chemicals and Materials

Format: PPT*, PDF, EXCEL

Delivery Timelines: Contact Sales

Report Type: Ongoing

Report ID: PMRREP10175

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$ 4995*

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Market Overview

The developing in the glass, optics and electronic and electrical industries has initiated a high demand for Lithium and related compounds. Lithium and lithium based compounds are one the key substances that have dynamic usage, either as a feedstock or as product. One of the most commercially important compound is Lithium fluoride.

Lithium fluoride is an odorless, crystalline lithium salt manufactured by the reaction of lithium hydroxide with hydrogen fluoride. Alternatively it is also manufactured by dissolving lithium carbonate in excess hydrogen fluoride and dehydrating it by heating until redness appears.

Lithium fluoride is highly stable and has a low melting point which is why it is used an ingredient in molten salt chemistries and liquid fluoride nuclear reactor. Owing to its stable ionic structure lithium fluoride find extensive usage as a heat sink material and fluxing agent in ceramics, enamel and glass industry.

It is also used for welding, soldering and dip brazing fluxes. However the handling and the reactivity of Lithium fluoride has to be kept in consideration due to the development of toxic hydrogen fluoride gas, when lithium fluoride comes in contact with mineral acids.

The lithium fluoride market is driven by the extensive demand from glass industry and demand for nuclear power generation. The lithium fluoride market is thus anticipated to exhibit double digit growth owing to the increase in nuclear energy based applications for the electricity generation.

With significant development in the development in the technologies of hybrid and electric based cars, the demand for lithium fluoride based batteries has escalated significantly thus giving a boost to the lithium fluoride market. The use of lithium fluoride as an analysis crystal in pharmaceutical application such as X-ray imaging could be a potential market opportunity in the lithium fluoride market.

Additionally high demand from molten salt application and metallurgical operations is anticipated to further drive the lithium fluoride market. However the lithium fluoride market is restrained due to the presence stringent environmental laws in different regions and also due to high level toxicity.

The lithium fluoride market is be segmented on the basis of regions—North America, Latin America, APEJ, Japan, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Middle East & Africa. North America   and APEJ are one of the largest consumer in the lithium fluoride market owing to the extensive demand of lithium fluoride in the manufacture of ceramics, glass and enamels.

The major lithium fluoride market in the APEJ regions are China and India. The lithium fluoride market in these regions is driven by extensive demand for lithium molten salt in salt chemistries and heat sink materials. Likewise the lithium fluoride market in Japan is anticipated to exhibit similar growth and trend patterns.

The extensive application of lithium fluoride in optical imaging and pharmaceutical applications has boosted the Lithium fluoride market in the Western and Eastern Europe. However due to the presence of environmental regulation and alternative technologies in North America and Western Europe the growth in during the forecast period is anticipated to be modest. Latin America and Middle East & Africa are anticipated to exhibit a strong growth during the forecast period owing to the extensive metallurgical application in these regions.

Some of the prominent players among may others included in the lithium fluoride market report are Crystran Ltd., FMC, Rockwood, Leverton Clarke, Axiom Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.,, Jiangxu Ganfeng Lithium, Harshil Fluoride Brivo Lithium, Eagle Picher Technologies LLC and Huizhi Lithium Energy

The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to categories such as market segments, geographies, types, technology and applications.

The report covers exhaustive analysis on:

  • Lithium Fluoride Market Segments
  • Lithium Fluoride Market Dynamics
  • Historical Actual Market Size, 2012 - 2014
  • Lithium Fluoride Market Size & Forecast 2015 to 2025
  • Supply & Demand Value Chain
  • Lithium Fluoride Market Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
  • Competition & Companies involved
  • Technology
  • Value Chain
  • Lithium Fluoride Market Drivers and Restraints

Regional analysis for Lithium Fluoride Market includes

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific & Japan
  • The Middle East and Africa

Report Highlights:

  • Shifting Industry dynamics
  • In-depth market segmentation
  • Historical, current and projected industry size Recent industry trends
  • Key Competition landscape
  • Strategies of key players and product offerings
  • Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth
  • A neutral perspective towards market performance

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