Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market

Urine based biomarkers Testing Market: Global Industry Trend Analysis 2013 to 2017 and Forecast 2018 - 2026

Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market Segmented By Type that is Genomics Biomarker, Proteomics Biomarker, Metabolomics Biomarkers, Imaging Biomarkers used in Research Organizations, Pharma & Biotech Companies, Clinical Diagnostics.

Industry: Healthcare

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Report Type: Ongoing

Report ID: PMRREP23104

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Market Overview

Urine based biomarkers are naturally occurring biological molecules, which are used as an indicator of biological process, diagnosis, prognosis, pharmacological response to medical intervention and pathophysiology of disease.

Urine based Biomarkers are classified into two types: molecular biomarkers and imaging biomarkers. Urine based molecular biomarkers are proteins, lipid, genes, metabolites and others. While, imaging biomarkers are used to provide qualitative information and are measured through CT, MRI, PET and others.

Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market: Drivers and Restraints

Huge investments are incurred during the drug development process and the major goal is to reduce the attrition during preclinical and clinical phases of drug development and the overall investment of drug development process. Urine based biomarkers play a major role in drug discovery & development and they are also assumed to play a vital role in precision of medicine.

Urine based Biomarkers are biological indicators for disease progression, therapeutic interventions effects and toxicology studies. Over the past decades, the role of urine based biomarkers has been increasing exponentially in analyzing the efficiency of drug in every phase of the development.

In the early stages of drug discovery, urine based biomarkers are used to understand mechanism of drug action, evaluation of drug activity in animal models, safety analysis and building relationship between pre-clinical and clinical stages of drug discovery.

In the late stages of drug development, urine based biomarkers are used in evaluation of optimal regimen and dose response for desired pharmacological safety and effect. All these acts as a potential driver for growth of urine based biomarkers testing market.

The advent of technologies has led to comprehensive analysis of proteins, genes, transcripts and others, which leads to understanding of molecular markers of disease progression. However, the basic understanding of molecular signature of biological process from these datasets is also complicated.

Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market: Segmentation

based on Type
  • Genomics Biomarker
  • Proteomics Biomarker
  • Metabolomics Biomarkers
  • Imaging Biomarkers
  • Others
based on End User
  • Research Organizations, Pharma & Biotech Companies
  • Clinical Diagnostics

Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market: Market Overview

Due to advent of technogies and availability of large data base, the understanding of the disease has been increased. It has pushed the manufactures to invest more in understanding the urine based biomarkers, which fuels the growth of the urine based biomarkers testing market.

The market has witnessed robust growth due to genomics, which has led to substantial progress in understanding a disease at the genetic level. It has given a scope for the development of personalized medicine and diagnostics. Genetic material is an integral component of majority of diseases.

There is huge demand for comparative genomics in understanding the biomarkers, which is expected to be available in the near future. The future of urine based biomarkers testing market is anticipated to expand at a double CAGR during the forecast period.

Urine Based Biomarkers Testing Market: Region-wise Overview

Global Urine based biomarkers testing market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific & Japan, Middle East & Africa and Latin America, by region wise. North America dominates the global urine based biomarkers testing market due to increasing research contribution in new biomarker development, and in North America, USA is a major shareholder.

Europe and Asia-Pacific are the fast growing markets in urine based biomarkers testing market due to increasing support of the government and funding organizations in these regions. Middle East & Africa and Latin America are expected to show comparatively low growth during the forecasted period.

Urine based biomarkers Testing Market: Key Participants

The key participants in Urine based biomarkers Testing Market are Quanterix, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., ACOBIOM, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA and others. The companies are mainly focusing on collaboration and partnership to keep up the pace of the competitiveness and to develop new biomarkers.

Urine based biomarkers Testing Market: Key Participants

  • Market Segments
  • Market Dynamics
  • Historical Actual Market Size, 2013 – 2017
  • Market Size & Forecast, 2018 to 2026
  • Supply & Demand Value Chain
  • Market Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
  • Competition & Companies involved
  • Technology
  • Value Chain
  • Aircraft Refurbishing Market Drivers and Restraints

Regional analysis for Market includes

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific & Japan
  • Middle East & Africa

Report Highlights:

  • Shifting Industry dynamics
  • In-depth market segmentation
  • Historical, current and projected industry size, recent industry trends
  • Key Competition landscape
  • Strategies of key players and product offerings
  • Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth
  • A neutral perspective towards market performance

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