Sutherlandia Extract Market

Sutherlandia Extract Market: Global Industry Trend Analysis 2012 to 2017 and Forecast 2017 - 2025

Sutherlandia Extract Market Segmented By Wholesale and Retail Channel Type

Industry: Chemicals and Materials

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Report Type: Ongoing

Report ID: PMRREP16687

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Global Sutherlandia Extract Market: Market Overview

Sutherlandia extract is driven from sutherlandia frutescens similarly known as kankerbos, bitterblaar, cancer bush and gansies. It is an African legume which has been used traditionally as a native medicine for a variety of ailments.

It is a medium sized shrub with green leaves and bright red flowers and only the parts above the ground are consumed for mainly improving the working of immune system: lymph nodes, thymus gland, liver, bone marrow, spleen and other parts of the body. It helps the body to root out or clean out viruses whenever they may be in the body.

Sutherlandia extract has the property of reversing the destructive process of viruses in the body as a result the poisons can be unraveled and corrected.

A brew made from the leaves was traditionally used as a remedy to treat diarrhea, fever, flu, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, liver and stomach problems. Sutherlandia extract from the leaves contains gamma amino butyric acid which acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter which facilitates most of its effects inside the nervous system and hence used as a drug for the relief of anxiety and stress.

Sutherlandia extract also has the property of antidiabetic as it normalizes the level of insulin and intake of glucose uptake in the peripheral tissues and suppresses intestinal glucose uptake.

Global Sutherlandia Extract Market: Market Dynamics

The global Sutherlandia extract market is driven by pharmaceutical companies as it has broad medicinal use, preliminary clinical studies have revealed that Sutherlandia extract has anti-cancer properties which can be used to treated against oesophageal, prostate, liver, breast and lung cancer cells as it has anti-oxidative properties.

Sutherlandia extract is being widely used for HIV positive patients as it reverses the symptoms of HIV as of now Sutherlandia extract is just being marketed as a natural remedy but with the intersection of traditional knowledge and science the Sutherlandia market has a greater potential in the forecasted year.

The key factors restraining the global sutherlandia extract market is due the side effects such as loose stools, dry mouth, slight dizziness and mild diuresis which is observed in weak patients only when the Sutherlandia extract is consumed on empty stomach. The dosage of the Sutherlandia extract also plays a major role as it depends on the severity of illness, nature of complaint. Sutherlandia extracts effect can only be seen when used along with conventional treatment.

Global Sutherlandia Extract Market: Market Segmentation

On the basis of end users
  • Pharmaceutical industry
    • Powder
    • Liquid
    • Gel
  • Nutraceutical industry
    • Powder
    • Liquid
    • Gel
  • Beverage Industry (Tea)
On the basis of Channel Type
  • Wholesale
  • Retail
    • E-commerce
    • Supermarket/hypermarket

Global Sutherlandia Extract Market: Segment Overview

Sutherlandia extract has widely been used in the pharmaceutical industry and the market is still growing in food and beverage.

Global Sutherlandia Extract Market: regional overview

Based on the geographies the global sutherlandia extract market is fragmented into seven key regions- North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-pacific except japan, and japan, and Middle East & Africa. Among the regions mentioned above, Middle East and Africa accounts for a relatively high share of sutherlandia extract market as sutherlandia is native to Africa.

The sutherlandia extract gained popularity in eastern and Western Europe and Asia-pacific as the increase of awareness among the people in these regions, however United Nations conference has taken measures as to prevent bio-piracy but there are few guidelines drawn for developing countries to use the sutherlandia plan extract only if the companies share the benefits of the products. Overall the outlook for the global sutherlandia extract market will have positive growth over the forecasted period, owing to increase in health-conscious consumers.

Global Sutherlandia extract market players

Few of the market players are:

  • Afriplex
  • Medico Herbs
  • Global Fusion Naturals
  • Afrinatural
  • Geva SA
  • The Sutherlandia Company
  • Afrigetics CC

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