Hyperimmune Globulin Market Segmented By Product type such as Immunoglobulins for Hepatitis B, Immunoglobulins For Rabies, Immunoglobulins for Tetanus, Rho(D) Immunoglobulins with Application in Immunodeficiency, Autoimmune Disease, Acute Infection
Industry: Healthcare
Format: PPT*, PDF, EXCEL
Delivery Timelines: Contact Sales
Report Type: Ongoing
Report ID: PMRREP29830
Hyperimmune globulin are immune globulins whose solutions are high in antibodies and offer protection against specific diseases that offer protection by providing passive immunity. Passive immunity are achieved through hyper immune globulin by administrating purified antibodies which provide immediate, and short-term protection against the disease.
Hyperimmune globulin closely resemble to intravenous immunoglobulin however they are isolated from plasma source donors that have concentration of antibody against specific antigen or invading pathogen.
Some new and foreign antigens against which hyperimmune globulins are being developed or available in the market include tetanus toxins, hepatitis B, rabies etc. Administrating hyperimmune globulin could supplement "passive" immunity to the patient against any agent/antigen.
On comparison, a vaccine takes longer time to provide immunity to patient while hyperimmune globulin are known to provide quick and short-lifespan immunity. However, hyperimmune globulin may have serious side effects, whose usage is taken very cautiously.
Today, most hyperimmune globulin preparations are vaccine administered for providing full protection. Some manufacturers produce a limited quantity of large vials of some hyperimmune globulins for treatment rather than for prophylactic use.
The number of cases requiring such large therapeutic doses are quite limited and few. Most hyperimmune globulin preparations are produced by commercial companies. No governmental fractionators are involved as because the need to use specific plasma can be assessed only by commercial organizations.
Although the need for hyperimmune globulin products have gone down in recent years, sales remained steady, as the usage is relatively confined to stable and matured markets. Industrialized countries in particular the Europe and North American Region, human plasma-based hyperimmune globulin products are used. Most of the hyperimmune preparations are still administered mostly through intramuscular route for targeting acute and chronic conditions.
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